Being a professional from the Wedding industry, it just pains my heart to see people still using the traditional “dabba” (box) invites and are not ready to experiment. The market place is full of new innovative ideas, it just need couples to be ready to use those ideas. A lot of people have 2 major myths about the non-traditional wedding invites

  1. They are expensive (No, they cost you almost the same, depending from which vendor are you getting them done)
  2. What if our guests don’t like it, let’s stick to the traditional invites (Hello! Everyone likes something new, done-done invites are so boring).

I am going to list down my favorite ideas which were curated with the help of Bride & Groom from my own wedding invites collection, hope it helps!

  1. No leaf invite
    This wedding invite was done for a destination wedding to Goa. The couple was a fun couple and they were open to experimentation (I absolutely love such couples!). They already had the box and were looking for fun leaflets, I suggested them why don’t we have products labels as different functions invite (they had a very long list of functions :p), that is how my no-leaf invite concept came to life. Since the theme was Goa, everything was kept beachy and embellishments etc were added keeping the same in mind.


    No leaf invite


  2. Basket Invite
    This invite was done for a very dear client of mine. She is in home accessories line and I was handling her social media account for a very long time. When her brother-in-laws wedding came, she discussed with me invite options. Since she is in home accessories, I recommended her why don’t we use her products instead of a traditional box and put invite & other goodies inside it. This invite came out so well, not only did she promote her products within her friend & family circle, she was also able to send out a unique and a different invite.


    Basket wedding invite


  1. Scroll Invite
    This wedding invite was inquired by a client. She was looking for something similar, so we are still at the sampling phase. The picture attached is not our work but it is something that is quiet creative and innovative. This works wells so well with our wedding functions, a scroll and a box of mithais. Absolutely fab!


    Pictures from pinterest


  1. Postcard Invite
    This invite was done for a very dear friend of mine. She is a Delhi girl and her fiancé is a Kolkata boy. They both had a long distance relationship for quiet sometime, to showcase that, we used a postcard design, signifying the letters and SMS’s which were exchanged daily. What I absolutely loved about this invite is that it is so customized and personalized to the couple and portrays their story in such an interesting story.


    Postcard invite


  1. Candle Invite
    This invite was done for a vendor from Sadar Bazaar. He already had this idea in mind but could not find the right vendor to execute it. He came to my FB profile by a recommendation from his relative. After a formal meeting, he told me about his idea and I asked him for a weeks’ time to sample it. After the sampling, he told me he wants to compare the quotes that I had given with other vendors. He took the sample and for a month researched the whole of Chawri Bazaar, Sadar Bazaar and Chandani Chowk to find someone who could do such invites. After a month, he came back to me and told me that no one in the market could give him the quality at the price I was offering. (At the risk of sounding cocky, Yes! I am good at what I do :p). So finally I got a chance to execute these beautiful invites, which are very close to my heart.


    Candle wedding invite

    The second set of candle wedding invites that I did were for a client. She wanted to give wedding favors after her Roka ceremony to her friends and family. I recommended her why doesn’t she do candle invites, they’ll act as Save the Date invites and would be a unique memory for all the guests.



These are some invites which I recommend instead of the boring mundane “dabba” wedding invites. If you want to share some other quirky invites ideas, feel free to share with me in the comment section. If you have an idea and don’t know how to execute it, you can always get in touch with me here.


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