According to WHO, “Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health.” It is usually measured by finding out the body mass index (BMI), which can be calculated as per the following formula:

BMI = Weight of the person (in kg)/(Height (in m)*Height (in m)). If 25<BMI<30, the person is overweight and if BMI>30, she/he is obese.

Other indicators of fat are body fat percentage and visceral fat, which if greater than normal pose great risk to health.


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Obesity exposes one to the risk of heart disease, stroke, Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, Arthritis, Asthma, Sleep Apnea (poor sleep), depression, shortened life expectancy, fatty liver and even certain types of cancer like breast cancer, colon cancer and prostrate cancer.


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The solution to the obesity disease is taking food nutrition everyday and having an active lifestyle. It is necessary to take these steps towards a healthier and better future.

For personalized solution, contact: +91 9971337655.

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