The children of 90’s were still the blessed ones. It was before the Internet and electronic gadgets took over the world and all the memories of childhood were lost. Going to houses of your maternal and paternal grandparents, creating ruckus over the summer holidays, the discoveries that made us have all been lost in the speed of life that we have been caught up today.

Paper Boat- Jaljeera

Hector Beverages tries to rectify that by bringing back some of those memories in a very simple way, by introducing the flavours we associated with those memories. Starting off with the name Paperboat, which is a throwback to those monsoons where we ran out with our small little dinghys and tried to race them in the drain waters. One of the earliest flavours that most of us North Indians remember is the Jaljeera. Running around the dustbowls of North India in the scorching heat meant extreme dehydration. Most of them were countered by the cool Jaljeera of the roadside vendors. The spicy, tangy flavours along with the thirst quenching flavours used to be hit those times.

Paper Boat- Aamras

The Western boys had the Aamras and the Kokum Sherbat. The sweet flavours of the king of fruits has always been a hit and still continues to adorn the tables of traditional Gujarati families whereas the slightly acidic flavours of Kokum still acts a starter to meals in the Konkani region. A few seasonal fruits that we do remember include the Anaar and the Kala Jamun.

Paper Boat- Anaar

Paper Boat’s range of drinks include the effervescence of Jaljeera, the tanginess of Kokum and Jamun, the simplicity of the Aamras and the earthiness of Anar. Packaged into these small paper bottles, memories explode out at each sip. Memories of an era long gone, when being crazy wasn’t  a crime. So, this winter season, try out Hector Beverage’s Paper Boat as you lose yourself into the child within you.

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