by hungrysurgicalresident | Sep 2, 2017 | Asia Pacific, Far East Asia, India, Indonesia, Japan, South East Asia, Subcontinent, Switzerland, Travel Diaries, Western Europe
Some people travel on a shoestring budget. Others, however, are lucky enough to splurge on a holiday and have a luxurious vacation. If you are one of those who can afford to enjoy lavish travel, below are some of the best destinations that you might want to consider...
by hungrysurgicalresident | Oct 2, 2016 | Europe, Switzerland, Travel Diaries, Western Europe
Pumpkins are something that are very much loved during the Navratras. It occupies a central position in many of North Indian dishes especially the vegetarian ones. But the types of pumpkin available in our country has always been limited. Pumpkins are especially...