by hungrysurgicalresident | Dec 4, 2018 | Alcohol Diaries, Europe, France, French Wines, Restaurant Reviews, Travel Diaries, Western Europe, Wine
Exploring French Gastronomy French Gastronomy is one cuisine that has had me fawning over it ever since the first time I tried it out. The simplicity of the flavours that adorn the palate along with the elaborate techniques is the reason that I enjoy this cuisine so...
by hungrysurgicalresident | Nov 21, 2018 | Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Travel Diaries
Travelling holds a whole new meaning in today’s world. With everyone trying to outdo each other’s vacation, curated holidays which focus on a specific theme have become the norm of today. We tell you about six curated holidays that will have you hooked. ...
by Snigdha | Aug 28, 2018 | Asia Pacific, Europe, Travel Diaries
Traveling the globe can truly bring a unique sense of enlightenment to a person. Exploring the world around you allows you to discover new and untold sights, as well as giving you the opportunity to connect with the rest of humanity and gain a new perspective on life....
by Snigdha | Aug 16, 2018 | Asia Pacific, Europe, Scandinavia, South East Asia, Travel Diaries
Flying comes with its own set of challenges, from long layovers to security screenings, but it’s often essential when your journey takes you to faraway places such as ice cave tours in Iceland. Having an in-flight strategy that includes a variety of luxuries...
by hungrysurgicalresident | Jul 9, 2018 | Eastern Europe, Europe, Mediterranean Europe, Morocco, Travel Diaries, Turkey, Turkey
Travel Documents Required in the Mediterranean Discovering the Mediterranean while traveling is one of the most wonderful experiences that we have had. The balmy coastline and the semi-tropical experience is something that a lot of Indians enjoy quite a bit. But...
by hungrysurgicalresident | Jul 8, 2018 | Europe, Travel Diaries, Wales, Western Europe
A creaking floorboard makes a squeaky noise as I slowly inch forward. Night times may not be the best time to go exploring around empty medieval castles, but it is the time when the ghosts come to life in Wales. Wales, a country richly steeped in history, myth and...