by hungrysurgicalresident | Dec 29, 2017 | Europe, Germany, Norway, Scandinavia, Scotland, Spain, Travel Diaries, Western Europe
Christmas is a festival that I associate with loads of food, especially sweets. Although I am a big fan of all the cakes and pastries prepared around this period, there are certain dishes that have a strong historical connect. To be celebrating Christmas in it’s...
by hungrysurgicalresident | Sep 8, 2017 | Asia Pacific, Denmark, Europe, Germany, India, Norway, Subcontinent, Travel Diaries, Western Europe
Although the world seems to have shortened in size with all the wanderlust all around, we decide to bring about some of the rarest places to visit on Earth. This post will have places which do not have a ton of tourist traffic throughout the year, either due to...
by hungrysurgicalresident | Feb 2, 2017 | Alcohol Diaries, Europe, Germany, Travel Diaries, Western Europe
While studying for my WSET level 1, I had come across Reisling. A white wine which is known to have a crisp taste with a bouquet of flavours and aroma. My class with Magandeep had me tasting Reisling for the first time and I truly fell in love with. Since then, I have...
by hungrysurgicalresident | Jun 29, 2016 | Europe, Germany, Travel Diaries, Western Europe
The beautiful university town of Tubingen is situated 30 kms away from Stuttgart in Germany. With it’s quaint countryside, this South German town has the highest standard of living in the country. The Neckar river flows right through the town briefly dividing into two...