by hungrysurgicalresident | May 13, 2017 | Abu Dhabi, Asia Pacific, Hotel Reviews, Middle East, Travel Diaries
Well, who doesn’t love to eat in a luxurious setting. Although many hotels and restaurants offer a truly resplendent ambiance, nothing matches the luxury at the Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi. Located on a kilometre private beach, this hotel is owned by the royal family...
by Astha Aggarwal | Mar 31, 2017 | Asia Pacific, Dubai, Food Lists, Middle East, Restaurant Reviews, Shopping Reviews, Travel Diaries
Dubai is one of the hottest tourist destinations nowadays. With an incessant amount of money being poured into the city, Dubai rates as probably the topmost destination among today’s desi traveller. We bring you the bucket list of all the places to visit in...
by hungrysurgicalresident | Mar 9, 2017 | Asia Pacific, Dubai, Middle East, Restaurant Reviews, Travel Diaries
The Dubai Food Festival is here and we are drooling over what all to try out. Before we get digging into the scrumptious food all around, a bit of gyaan about what the Dubai Food Festival is all about. The Dubai Food Festival is going to be an extravaganza that will...
by hungrysurgicalresident | Mar 1, 2017 | Asia Pacific, Ras Al Khaimah, Travel Diaries
Although the United Arab Emirates has seven emirates, Indians mostly seem to be in love with Dubai and Abu Dhabi. One of the uncovered gems is Ras al Khaimah. Located the mouth of the Arabian gulf in the Northern part of UAE, Ras al Khaimah was an important trading...
by hungrysurgicalresident | Dec 25, 2016 | Asia Pacific, Jordan, Middle East, Travel Diaries
The winters aren’t freezing in India anymore and the Bengali in me wants to get out and do something magical. Beaches are something that Bengalis and Indians enjoy a lot. But the way we enjoy it is hilarious. Bengali men with all their put bellies and...
by hungrysurgicalresident | Aug 9, 2016 | Asia Pacific, Jordan, Middle East, Travel Diaries
The food from the Arabian region has become the third largest foreign cuisine in Delhi with Lebanese opening a plethora of openings in the food scene of NCR region. With the Jordanian embassy cementing bilateral ties between the two countries, tourism has taken a jump...