by hungrysurgicalresident | Apr 9, 2018 | Alcohol Diaries, Asia Pacific, Far East Asia, Japan, Japanese Whisky, Travel Diaries, Whisky
The lure of whisky has drawn me to the furthest regions of the globe and the Land of the Rising Sun wasn’t definitely going to be left behind. The rich, creamy, fruity yet spicy notes are something that has taken Japanese whisky to the top of the world market...
by Snigdha | Sep 2, 2017 | Americas, Asia Pacific, Dubai, France, Hong Kong, India, International Restaurant Reviews, Japan, Middle East, North America, Restaurant Reviews, Travel Diaries, United States of America
Food is something that is a major part of our wanderlust. Although we love to travel, but one of our major parts of the itinerary is spent finding the best meals in the particular city. With so many of our travel blogger friends, we have collated a list on best meals...
by hungrysurgicalresident | Sep 2, 2017 | Asia Pacific, Far East Asia, India, Indonesia, Japan, South East Asia, Subcontinent, Switzerland, Travel Diaries, Western Europe
Some people travel on a shoestring budget. Others, however, are lucky enough to splurge on a holiday and have a luxurious vacation. If you are one of those who can afford to enjoy lavish travel, below are some of the best destinations that you might want to consider...
by hungrysurgicalresident | Feb 1, 2017 | Alcohol Diaries, Asia Pacific, Far East Asia, Japan, Travel Diaries
Ever since the time I first tasted Sake at the winter menu of Megu at The Leela Palace Hotel, New Delhi, I have become a fan of this drink. So when Tokyo was awarded the right to host the Olympics in 2020, I plan to discover this fast moving city through its famous...