by Snigdha | Aug 14, 2018 | Americas, North America, Travel Diaries, United States of America
One of the greatest ways to experience adventure is by hopping in the car and embarking on a cross-country road trip, especially a road trip across America. There is no better way to experience the scenic mountains, rolling foothills, salty beaches, and eclectic... by Snigdha | Jul 28, 2018 | Americas
Summer is a time of long, warm days, so it is best to make the most of them by choosing fun activities to get you outdoors and enjoying the weather. From family days out to barbeques at home, there are plenty of things to do in the great outdoors. So, if you are... by Snigdha | May 20, 2018 | Americas, Canada, North America, Travel Diaries
As I stand on the Pacific coastline observing the glistening lights of a bustling city around me, I have fallen in love with the city of Vancouver. A former colonial outpost of the British empire, Vancouver’s history starts as a logging port town which has now evolved... by Snigdha | Apr 28, 2018 | Americas, North America, Travel Diaries
As the world’s wealthiest country, America lends itself well to luxury travel. From luxe hotels to decadent fine dining, you are sure to rest and eat well. However, this nation also excels when it comes to activities suited for the upper classes. Below, we’ll suggest... by Snigdha | Apr 27, 2018 | Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, Travel Diaries
We were born to take risks, and much of our survival in primitive times relied on it. However, the nature of modern living means we often fall into safe patterns that prevent us from embracing what life has to offer. A vacation provides a chance to break away from the... by Snigdha | Apr 22, 2018 | Africa, Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Travel Diaries
Writing about travel can be a great way to let other people know about some of the best places to go as you encounter them and will also give you your own write-up of your experiences to look back on when you want to remember your adventures. If you write for a travel...