An opening act by Anuradha Menon (MTV Lola Kutty fame) followed by the main event “Whose line is it anyways? fame- Colin & Brad” was an epic laugh riot.
The evening began with some drinking and eating at the bar at Club Patio, Gurgaon. The evening was set with Black Dog whiskey and Live acoustic by Jordan (though I am not a whiskey drinker, so I was enjoying the starters). After one hour of eating and drinking and some really good music, we were all escorted to our seats. Anuradha Menon (MTV Lola Kutty fame) opened the night by taking a dig on Gujarati’s and presented a funny perspective on her own marriage “a Gujju weds a Mallu”.

The ever charming Anuradha Menon
The stage was then taken over by the stars of the night “Colin & Brad”. Me and my friend had the VIP seats (perks of being a blogger) so we were seated on the front seats. I was just taking his case, saying that Colin & Brad always do an impromptu and call people from the audience and since we have the front seats, they could call you too. Within 15-20 seconds, they actually asked us to volunteer and we were the first act (:p). Frankly speaking this was my fourth blogger event of the day (yes Sunday’s are busy days for bloggers) and I was completely drained out but their act completely refreshed me. I was laughing so much that I literally had tears in my eyes. Colin & Brad are such sweethearts, they made me and my friend at once comfortable on the stage.
Our act was “Moving Bodies”, in which we were supposed to be hands and legs of Colin & Brad and treat them as action figures. We made Colin & Brad kiss each other and hold each other, and they both sportingly did it all. They have such good comic timing and tuning with each other, an impromptu act looked like a rehearsed act with them.

Me and my friend with Colin & Brad in Moving Bodies Act!
My favorite act of the day was when Brad had to make Colin confess a “made-up crime” by the audience. The crime was that Colin had “Hid Donald Trumps wig in Hilary’s underwear drawer” then “Ate an alive radioactive squirrel” in the town of “Thiruvananthapuram” and his “Masala Dosa” was found at the scene of the crime. It was jaw and tummy aching seeing Brad pronounce “Thiruvananthapuram”. The audience went crazy laughing hearing him pronounce “Thiruvananthapuram”.
The evening ended on a musical note and the audience gave Colin & Brad a standing ovation. It was truly a beautiful evening, the bar reopened for drinks while I headed home, it was just too much laughing for one day, my jaws and stomach both needed rest.

The standing ovation.
For more details on the event, read here