Ramen is probably one of the most delicious meals I have had in my own life. This wholesome bowl of goodliness is a single bowl dish made with Chinese wheat noodles that are served in a broth along with meat and vegetables. The Ramen traces its origins to the Chinese immigrants in the early 20th century and became the staple for a lot of Japanese households. Chef Vikram Khatri and Chef Saurabh Saran at Guppy by ai has a festival that celebrates Ramen like never before. We aren’t going to be talking too much about it but going to be showing you some mouth-watering images that will have you heading there soon enough.
Cha Shu Ramen
Chicken Soboro Mazamen
5 Mushroom Suimono
Chicken Paitan Ramen
Lobster Ramen
So which of these Ramens are you going to try out the Ramen Me crazy festival?