“Dessert without cheese is like a beauty with only one eye”
― Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Cheese has become one of leading diary products consumed in India today. With an universal use in the fast food industry, Cheese had generated a misconception of being unhealthy around itself. But with doctors and nutritionists validating the product all over the country, we bring you a guide to shopping for Italian cheese. A leading Italian farmers’ cooperative, Agriform, on Thursday showcased a selection of peppy PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) gourmet cheeses from Italy. PDO is the mark of guaranteed quality certified by the European Union. The cheeses represent centuries of human endeavour and a host of positive environmental factors.

At the event conducted at Diva Café, Italian Cultural Centre, Embassy of Italy, chefs led by celebrity TV show host, writer and restaurateur Ritu Dalmia served a selection of four Italian classic cheeses: Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano, Asiago and Piave. These were transformed into eclectic dishes and paired with the Indo-Italian wines, Fratelli.

The products featured in the programme were

Grana Padano PDO

A cheese from the Padana plains, this semi fat cheese has a hard, finely granular texture, a white or pale yellow colour and has multiple uses from being a table cheese to being used in a multitude of gratin dishes and sauces.

Parmigiano Reggiano PDO

Produced in the provinces of Parma and Reggio Emilia, this has similar characteristics to the Grana Padano but the only difference being it is made from raw cow’s milk. Another cheese which has a multitude of uses. Known all over the world.

Piave PDO

Piave is a cheese from the Belluno area. It has a sweet flavor which intensifies as it ages with various stages of ageing ranging from 20 days(Fresco) to 18 months(Vecchio Riserva). Excellent use as a table cheese and for gratin dishes.

Asiago PDO (in Fresco and Stagionato versions)

Asiago Fresco is a fresh table cheese from the Alpine valley of Asiago. A soft, delicate flavor with a milkiness compared to the Stagionato which is aged 2-4 months and has a sharper taste and a semi hard texture.

Montasio PDO

It is a table cheese from the Friuli Venezia Giulia region. This semi-hard cheese has a high nutritional value and it’s easy digestibility is recommended for children and aged. To be eaten alone or in salads.

Pecorino Toscano PDO

A soft to semi hard cheese made exclusively with whole sheep’s milk. Originated in the North- Western part of Italy, this typically sweet cheese is good for eating alone or being grated into dishes.

Next time, you are out shopping for cheese, try one of these Italian ones. They may just take your palate on a whole new experience altogether.

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